
There are many different ways to see and express art. Music, literature, drawing, sculptures and visually look able things. This blog is a great step towards the showing how art is an important subject in our lives.

May 25, 2011

Constellation Myth

In science there is a homework we have to do and it is about astronomy. Currently studying about the stars we were told to invent a constallation myth. But every constellation has a link with greeks gods and goddesses. The constellations meaning one story behind the other. The one that I liked the most was one about the Pavo. It is a constellation about how the peacock became  a magnificent birth with eyes drawn in their long great feathers. Look at the constellation.


Last year in the art class we used to make masks made of plaster and I was used as an example to show my classmates. These masks were easy to make if you had the correct materials and a chunk amount of vaseline. You would be surprised at how it was so easy to make them. The teacher came with the idea of making masks by looking at photos from Venice and their Venecian Masquerades. Look at different desins of masks made elaboratedly.

May 11, 2011

May 5, 2011

Taming of the Shrew

We are currently acting in drama the Taming of the Shrew written by Shakespeare.
This play is really interesting but I would have preferred if it was based on a happy ending.
The play is based on a time when there are two sisters and the oldest is called the Shrew because
she is not as pretty as her sister Bianca. As the play ends it ends as the Shrew called Katherine ends
up happily with her husband.

May 3, 2011

May means Easter Eggs!!

May of course is the month  of the easter eggs. Of course in the world we  normally paint drawing on the eggs. Here I will show some pretty ones.